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Students now collecting flood relief at DU central field

Student organisers today said that the relief materials for flood victims will now be collected at the central field of Dhaka University instead of at TSC, where only cash and medicine will be collected.
Leaders of the Anti-Discrimination Students’ Movement took the decision last night as TSC was overflowing with relief goods. The student platform is collecting relief goods and money for the fourth consecutive day.
Lutfar Rahman, one of the coordinators, announced that they would only take monetary and emergency medicine donations at the TSC booth.
“Goods and other relief collection will continue at Dhaka University Central Field,” he added.
The student movement is planning a new public cooking programme in flood-affected areas across the country, Rezwan, another coordinator, told The Daily Star.
He urged people to bring rice, lentil, oil, onion, ginger, garlic, potato and salt along with dry foods from now on.
